Умови страхування
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Ексклюзивні умови страхування
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> 20
років успішної роботи на страховому ринку
Що робити при страховому випадку?
В разі настання страхового випадку оперативно зв’яжіться з представником нашої компанії, який надасть вам консультацію та візьме в роботу запит на врегулювання.
This is a part of the damage that the insured covers independently.
In the event of an insured event, you must immediately notify the insurer and follow all instructions.
This type of insurance protects you against the risk of loss or non-receipt of earnings for various reasons. Thus, it creates for you a guarantee of financial stability even in unforeseen situations.
The VUSO Insurance Company has been working on the Ukrainian insurance market for over 20 years. The company is among the TOP-10 largest CASCO insurers according to the rating of the "Insurance Top" magazine.
The policy is valid on the territory of Ukraine.
All materials related to insurance conditions are freely available on the “Public Information” page in the “Product Disclosure” section by calling.
To view detailed information about the "VUSO" insurance company, go to the "Public information" page in the "Information about the financial institution" section by calling.